10 months

Lake, or Lakester Lu as his family affectionately calls him, turned ten months old. I am probably biased, but he is the best baby in the world. He is all smiles and giggles. Recently he has been pulling up on everything and has several bruises to show for it. He is all over the place and constantly on the go. He has decided that he loves the stairs. With the girls we didn't have to worry much about them putting things in their mouth, but Lake always has something in his mouth. Grass, leaves, dog food and Barbie toys are just a few things I have removed recently. He has pretty much given up his pacifier and quit nursing. He still drinks from a bottle, but also uses a sippy cup for juice. Lake eats table food now and has no interest in being spoon fed anything. He can often be caught clapping as this is his favorite thing to do. We think it is because he lives at the ball fields. Lake enjoys the pool. His sisters continue to love on him and are finding that he can hold his own with them. Lake consistently has a handful of his sisters' hair. Today we decided to take his saucer to a friend since he has decided to make a game out of crawling out of it. Lake's hair has a reddish tint to it as of now and his curls are becoming more evident everyday. I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

1 comment:

Danette said...

Jen, he is so stinkin' adorable I can hardly stand it. He is becoming such a big boy...sad how fast they grow up.