Beginning of Summer Break

I decided not to work summer school this year so that I could get some things done arond the house and spend some time with the kids doing activities that we normally don't get to do. It's already week two and I have to admit there have been a few wrenches thrown in to my great plan. We did manage to get the yard cleaned up and planted the herbs and tomatoes. Monday night we had an unusual amount of rain which caused the sewers on our block to become overwhelmed. The water backed up into our basement and created quite a mess. Fortunately for us, we had already removed the furniture from the basement. We still had to have a company come in and suck out the water, disinfect everything and remove the carpet and drywall. Hannah and I have spent the last three days sorting though boxes of clothes and pictures that got wet. She is also becomming quite the dry wall remover. We helped a friend remove her drywall and insulation last week, so she had plenty of experience. I might start hiring her out :) I'l try to post some of our fun activities planned for the summer.
Lake has become quite the active little boy. He is all over the place and can't seem to be happy unless he is moving.
Here is our street after Monday night's rain.

Hannah has a cupcake maker and Meredith has a snow cone maker. Miracle of all miracles, they each made the other a treat to share for dessert.

Is this considered child labor?


Nichole Conner said...

Great pictures!! I absolutely LOVE the last one though!! :-)

Unknown said...

It's been awhile since I visited your site but it sounds like you have been busy people--nothing new for young parents huh? Have a great time this summer relaxing and we hope to get together with you soon! xox, The Ebelings

Sara said...

I'll take one of your older girls for an entire summer -- its not child labor it is a right of passage! :) Good pics and can't wait to see how good your summer is!