Baby and Me

Meredith loves to play with baby dolls. It is so cute to watch and listen to her interact with them. I'm not sure if she understands that they are not real. She makes sure they are covered up, tries to feed them and always has one over her shoulder. She likes to put them in this car seat before we go anywhere. Today she had her purse with her and kept saying she needed her phone. Already multi-tasking. Hannah never played with dolls, so this has been a whole new experience.


Danette said...

These stinkin' girls are just down right adorable. Loved Hannah's pj's. You wouldn't think, but Walmart has cute stuff. Meredith is such great mom, I wonder where she learned that from???

mrauser said...

this is just too cute! mallory does the same thing - VERY concerned about the baby. i just wish she was so concerned about aubrey . . . . love you jenny!!!