The Great Hunter

I am so lucky that if there were to ever to be a famine, my family would not go hungry (not that I could ever eat venison). Josh shot this deer with his bow opening day of deer season. Hannah loves to be in on the action, but Meredith would not even go near the deer.


Danette said...

Like I said,"It can't be a blog from Missouri without a picture of a dead animal."
Jen,I'm sure you could make a mean stew with that meat!

Unknown said...

Venison is good! I love it when Carl gets a deer. The Back Straps (steaks) wrapped in bacon and grilled are the absolute best! We usually get about 20-30 lbs strictly hamburger, then the rest is ground up for jerky and summer sausage. It's not bad, it doesn't taste like chicken - but it is good!