Lake-7 Months Old

Lake turned seven months old recently. I haven't changed my mind about him being the best baby ever. Even through a double ear infection and a horrible cough, he has been a good baby. He is always smiling and has started to laugh at his sisters when they act silly. He doesn't sleep through the night yet, but I think it is because he doesn't nurse all day and wants that bonding time during the night. He eats baby food at lunch and dinner and has learned to feed himself the baby puffs that dissolve in your mouth. Lake can sit up unattended and rocks back and forth as if he wants to start crawling. We would actually have to put him down though for that to happen. He recently bagan saying "da, da, da" over and over, which of course Josh takes as him saying his name first. We are learning that we can't put him down anywhere that he could roll off of and not to leave little items laying around. He loves to grab anything he can get his hands on: hair, the girls' filled drink cups, your plate when you are eating, etc. We have had several messes the last couple of weeks due to this new found need to have whatever we have. Did I mention that he is the biggest drooler you have ever met? He is always soaking wet. Surely his teeth have to come in soon, although Meredith was almost 12 months old before she got hers. When I took him to the doctor, the nurse thought I had given him Kool-Aid. So great, I probably look like some white trash mom who puts Kool-Aid in her baby's bottle. We have tried all types of ointments to treat it, but nothing seems to help. Any suggestions? Enjoy some pictures!

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