Happy Birthday Hannah and Meredith (just a bit late)!

Hannah and Meredith both had birthdays the same weekend. Hannah turned eight and Meredith turned four. Hannah celebrated with a roller skating party and Meredith had a swimming party. Hannah had a Hannah Montana theme (like there was ever any other option) and Meredith partied with Tinkerbell. Fun was had by all and the girls loved all of their gifts from family and friends. They were blessed with so many things, that most haven't even been played with yet.

Meredith's Tinkerbell cake.
Meredith taking a swim break.
Hannah is actually pretty good on roller skates. One of the few girls I didn't have to hold up the entire time. Thanks to my friend Mandy, I think we had everyone at least standing on their skates by the end of the party.

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